Family Services
Head Start Family Visits
It is our goal to build strong and positive partnerships with parents. This takes place, over time, as staff meet with families regularly. Family Supports will schedule a minimum of (5) times throughout the school year to visit with you.
During the visits, the Family Support will have the opportunity to share ideas, information, and resources in the community. Family visits are also times for parents to set goals for themselves and their children and explore ways to achieve them. Family Supports provide ongoing support and encouragement to parents to strengthen and individualize their Head Start experience.

Early Head Start Family Visits
Family visits with a Family Educator occur weekly throughout the year for Early Head Start families. Family visits are part of the plan to work with you to make the most of the time you have with your child.
During the visits, families have the opportunity to plan and enjoy play activities, share ideas, be continually updated on parenting information and health follow-up, and be provided with referrals to other resources as needed. Family visits are also times for parents to set goals for themselves and their children and explore ways to achieve them. Family Educators provide ongoing support, encouragement and understanding to parents. These family visits are opportunities for you, your child, and the Family Educator to spend time together to strengthen and individualize your experience.