HSYC Opens New Building for Toddlers in Newberg!
This new 2-classroom facility, which is adjacent to our current center, opened on February 17, 2025 and will provide learning spaces designed specifically for 2- and young 3-year-olds. This expansion will also allow the Newberg preschoolers expanded hours of care and lower class sizes. HSYC now has 16 classrooms that are located in centers we…
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HSYC Opens New Location!
Head Start of Yamhill County ha abierto un nuevo centro en Lafayette! Después de meses de renovaciones para convertir un espacio comercial en un lugar apropiado para el aprendizaje temprano, estamos entusiasmados de abrir el primer de dos salones en nuestro Centro de Lafayette. ¡Los niños comenzaron las clases el 14 de noviembre y estaban emocionados por aprender y hacer amigos!
SNAP Recipients Now Automatically Eligible for Head Start!
The Office of Head Start has recently announced, “We are thrilled to provide families with a simpler path to enroll in Head Start. If there is one thing parents need, it’s more time and less paperwork. Now families can use eligibility for SNAP benefits to enroll in Head Start.” Apply today!!
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